Using Our Words This Week: September 25, 2020
A weekly roundup of heartful and helpful things from around the Internet.

Welcome to our weekly edition of Using Our Words: a roundup of heartful and helpful things from around the internet, sourced and shared by members in the Primary community, including colleagues, customers, and friends.
Something new and helpful: Ditto Kids is a mom-founded magazine aimed at helping parents and caregivers teach their children about anti-racism.
Something to wear temporarily, but remember always: I am a voter.® tattoos, from one of our favorite small businesses, with proceeds supporting nonpartisan voter registration. (P.S. Check yours here!)
Something to encourage your kids’ inner activist: These picture books show everyone can do something to make a difference.
Something to craft with the kids, cleanly: Mess-free is music to our ears.
Something to make you smile: Thank you for the laugh, Ms. Cosgrove!
And finally:
Something to enter (and have a chance to win a year of Primary): Our annual Halloween Costume Contest is on!
If you have something you'd like to pass along, be it a resource, book, random product you recently discovered, or just a GIF that made you smile, we're all ears! We'd love to hear at Have a great weekend!
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