How to Safely Swaddle Baby in 3 Easy Steps
Ahhh, to be a baby wrapped in a blanket burrito.

Our soft, breathable, 100% cotton swaddle blankets are a favorite among new parents for a number of reasons, from keeping baby cool and secure while they sleep, to of course, dressing up baby as a tiny burrito at Halloween. But swaddling can be intimidating! Whether you're new to the swaddling game or have a fussy baby, our friend Gabi is here to show us how to swaddle in 3 easy steps that will leave baby safe, secure, and ready to snooze.
Start by placing your cotton swaddle blanket on a flat surface with the long side horizontal. Lay baby at the center of blanket with the back of their neck slightly over the edge of blanket. For newcomers, envision you're at the end of the Chipotle assembly line, with all your precious, Yes-I-Know-It's-Extra-Guac, ready to be rolled up.
Step 1: Bring the right corner of the blanket across baby's body. You can gently keep baby’s right arm by their side, wrap the right side of blanket across baby’s chest and tuck the blanket underneath their back on the left side.
Step 2: Keeping baby’s left arm by their side, fold bottom part of blanket up over baby’s feet and diagonally towards their left shoulder.
Step 3: Holding the fold with one hand, use your other hand to bring the blanket across baby’s chest and wrap it around their back on the right side. Tuck the excess swaddle in to the bottom folds to secure.

Congratulations, your baby is now equally comfortable and adorable! Go forth and swaddle. Then teach someone to swaddle you with your newfound skills, because you deserve a snug and secure snooze, too.
On days when your swaddling skills aren't feeling so strong, we've also introduced super soft, 100% cotton sleep sacks for baby in some of our signature rainbow prints. Our breathable, zip-up sleep sacks are the perfect little sleeping bag for babies who are too young to have blankets in their crib, but still need a just-right layer of warmth at night.
Not sure which cozy sleep item is right for the babies in your lives? Check out our curated baby gift sets — ready for all the baby showers, birthday parties, and spontaneous moments that call for presents.