Primary Color Camp: DIY Backyard Obstacle Course
Here are a few ways to help your little one train for American Ninja Warriors Junior or just to have fun in the backyard.

We're kicking off the green week of Color Camp with an activity that will have kids in the grass all day long. An obstacle course is a great way to work on counting and a fun way to get in some cardio with the kids! You can use anything in the house or in the garage to create your obstacle course. And don't forget the most important tool—your imagination!
The Setup:
- Create a START line
- Add as many transitions and props to the area that space will allow for (see Section A and Section B for examples).
- Create a FINISH line
Example of a course:
- Start at the starting line
- Walk on your tiptoes until you get to the ball
- Tap your toes on the ball 6 times (switching foot each time)
- Bear crawl to the tire
- Crawl through the tire
- Skip to the grown-up shoes
- In the grown-up shoes, walk to the hula hoop
- Count to 10 while hula hooping
- Do 2 cartwheels
- Now kangaroo hop to the finish line
SECTION A: (transitions)
- Frog Jumps: Start in a squat position and jump to land in the same position
- Bear walks: Hands and feet on the ground and bottom in the air (like downward dog yoga position)
- Crab walks: Start sitting on the ground with hands behind you. Then lift your bottom off the ground to walk on hands and feet like a crab
- Tip Toe
- Skip
- Wheelbarrow: Hands on the ground and have a friend or grown-up hold your feet so you are walking on your hands
- 1-1 foot leap: Start on one foot and leap to the other foot
- Kangaroo jumps: Jump with both feet “glued” together
- Cartwheel
SECTION B: (prop)
- Hula hoop
- Grown-up shoes
- Broom
- Water/Soda bottle
- Water hose
- Storage bins
- Chair
- Trash can
- Old tire
- Jump rope
- Ball (any size)
- portable tunnel
- agility rings
Spend plenty of time outdoor with the whole family, and stay safe in UPF 50 swim styles for kids and baby and activewear styles for kids.
Share your backyard creations with us on social at @primarydotcom with #yesprimary and #primarycolorcamp for a chance to be featured! Check out our entire lineup of easy, DIY Color Camp activities for kids, and don’t forget to visit the Camp Shop for outfits, essentials, and more camp picks from Team Primary.