A Definitive Guide to the Catchiest Kids Songs
Read at your own risk.

We recently asked our followers on Facebook and Instagram to share the kid songs that most often get stuck in their heads, and love them or hate them, we'll be the first to admit they're catchy! So without further ado, here are the worst offenders (or best, depending how you frame such matters in parenthood and pop culture)...
Baby Shark
Like many parents, we turn to this perennial hit to soothe fussy babies on our photoshoot sets. Fun fact: if you hold your ear up to all of our new arrivals for spring, you can hear it playing on repeat.
Frozen 2 Soundtrack
Because Frozen 1 is soooooo 2013.
Hot Dog Dance
Pretty sure this breaks the world record for the most times "hot dog" is said in a minute.
Let It Go
Giving credit where credit is due to the classic that launched it all.
Anything from Daniel Tiger
These are actually pretty charming. If you're having an off-day at work or bedtime is proving to be a bust, listen to "Keep Trying."
Word Party Theme Song
Vaguely sounds like that Ke$ha song. We don't hate it...?
Family Finger Collection
We can appreciate the breadth of this classic's remixes on the internet.
Johny Johny Yes Papa
Honestly, we were bopping our heads to this one.
Anything from Blippi
All we can say is...oof.
Any others you would add? Share with us on Instagram!
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