Image: @emilyloeffelman
Products you’ll need (2)
Vw Bus
Get on the DIY costume bus.
Has instructions
Products you’ll need (2)
- One gray kids outfit
- Large cardboard box
- White felt (2 yards)
- Light gray felt (2 sheets 9 x 12 inches each)
- Blue felt (8 sheets 9 x 12 inches each)
- Reflective paper (1 sheet 8 ½ x 11 inches)
- Orange paper (1 sheet 8 ½ x 11 inches)
- Thick white cord or ribbon
- Hot glue gun and sticks
- Scissors
Create the bus:
- Use a cardboard box big enough for your child to fit through. Cover the outside of the box with white felt and hot glue.
- Cut two light grey squares for the windshield and round the corners with scissors. Glue onto the front top portion of the bus.
- Cut blue felt to cover and glue to the bottom half of the sides and back of the bus. Cut blue felt to form the “V” shape on the bottom half of the front of the bus and glue.
- Cut two circles for the headlights using reflective paper and two smaller orange paper circles for the parking lights. Glue one of each circle on either side of the front bottom half.
- Cut the VW logo from blue felt and glue to the front center of the bus. If you’re having trouble freehanding the logo, you can print the VW logo from the internet and cut and glue the paper logo on the bus.
Create the straps:
- Punch a hole on either side of the bus close to the top and centered on the sides. Use a thick white cord or ribbon, and measure the length needed for the child to wear the bus over their shoulders.
- Pull the cord through each hole and make a couple knots at each end to anchor the cord. Add a dab of hot glue to the knots for extra security.