Image: @amandakingloff
Products you’ll need (2)
Spelling Bee
Products you’ll need (2)
- One black kids outfit
- Stripe legging, in black-ivory
- Yellow duct tape
- Scissors
- Hot glue gun
- Various blue papers
- 1” Letter and number stickers
- Yellow and black pipe cleaners
- Yellow pom-poms
- Headband
- 2 bubble envelopes
- Small rubber band
- Pin back
For the antennae
- Twist a black and a yellow pipe cleaner together.
- Glue a yellow pom-pom to one end.
- Twist the other end around the headband.
For the award ribbon
- Print this template onto the back of your paper. Accordion fold on each line.
- Wrap a small hair or loom rubber band around the center of the folded paper.
- Hot glue the ends of each side of the folded paper together to make a circle.
- Adhere a “1” to the center of the circle and glue to the center of the folded circle.
- Cut two ribbon tails from blue paper.
- Glue ribbon tails to the back and the pin back to the back center.
For the hoodie
- Adhere yellow duct tape in 2 to 3 stripes around the body and arms of the hoodie.
- Use white letter stickers to write difficult words around the yellow stripes.
For the wings
- Cut bubble envelope on the two side seams. Repeat with the second envelope.
- Trace your own wing template on each envelope.
- Cut out each wing set.
- Glue two wings together.
- Cut elastic to fit around shoulders and glue loops to the wings.