Image: @laurenmancke
Products you’ll need (6)
Princess Bride Group
Products you’ll need (6)
For Westley
- One black kids outfit
- Adult black long sleeve shirt
- Black fabric
- Black bandana
- Black face mask
- Black duct tape
- Black string
- Black gloves
- Black boots
- Blonde mustache
For Buttercup
- One red kids dress
- One red kids bottom
- Red ribbon
- Gold duct tape
For Inigo Montoya
- One white kids top
- One brown kids bottom
- Brown fabric
- Brown twine
- Brown mustache
- Brown boots
- Brown belt
- Hot glue
- Scissors
This costume is inconceivable!
For Westley:
- Fold the sleeves of our short sleeve black polo shirt in to form a triangular cuff. Cut the sleeves off an old oversized black long sleeve shirt and safety pin those inside the short sleeves of the shirt.
- Cut a long rectangular piece of black fabric (enough to wrap twice around the waist) for the sash belt.
- Add black string to the buttons and buttonholes of the black polo.
- Using black duct tape, add cuffs to the top of a pair of black rain boots.
- Finish it off with a black bandana, gloves, face mask, and blonde mustache.
For Buttercup:
- Cut a long piece of red ribbon for Buttercup’s belt.
- Decorate this with pieces of gold colored duct tape to create the belt’s design.
For Inigo Montoya:
- Fold a large rectangular piece of brown fabric into a square.
- Cut a vest shape keeping the fold of the brown fabric at the shoulders.
- Create the seams of the sides of the vest (under the arm holes) with hot glue.
- Cut small holes in the front of the vest in order to lace the two sides of the vest together with brown string.
- Add brown string to the buttons and buttonholes of the peter pan polo.
- Complete the look with brown boots, a belt, and mustache.