Image: @laurenmancke
Products you’ll need (3)
Mario & Luigi
Products you’ll need (3)
- One red kids top
- One green kids top
- Two blue kids bottoms
- Red craft foam visor
- Red craft foam
- Green craft foam visor
- Green craft foam
- Black peel-and-stick felt
- White vinyl
- White gloves
- Adhesive sheets
- Hot glue
- Scissors
- Cut two trapezoids and four long strips of cobalt blue felt. Cut four circles of yellow felt for the buttons. Attach these to the long sleeve polo shirt to mimic overalls using adhesive sheets.
- For the hats, use a red and green craft foam visor turned upside down. Cut hat bills from red and green craft foam. Attach the bills to the lip of the visor using hot glue. Cut M and L shapes from white vinyl and attach to the hat.
- Cut mustaches from black peel and stick felt.
- Making a group costume? We have easy DIY instructions for Princess Peach and Mario Villains too!