Image: @Martha Stewart
Products you’ll need (4)
Has instructions
Products you’ll need (4)
- One white baby outfit
- Blue baby pilot cap
- Bluebird wing and tail templates
- Wool felt in 3 shades of blue
- Fusible interfacing
- Fabric scissors
- Fabric glue
- Velcro
- Elastic
- Handheld iron
- Blue embroidery floss
- Embroidery needle
Bring their favorite bird to life with our Primary DIY Bluebird costume! Your little one will look adorable wherever they're perched all night, and our soft Primary essentials combined with your DIY magic will have them feeling comfy and free as a bird. Who doesn't love a winged onesie? It's time for this bluebird to leave the nest, and catch some worms (or some candycorn, whatever's on offer!)
For the full how-to instructions:
- Please visit Martha Stewart.
- For a DIY kid Bluebird, use one white kids outfit.
- Want to make a whole DIY Bird crew? Check out our DIY Bird, DIY Chicken, DIY Flamingoes, DIY Phoenix, DIY Peregrine Falcon, DIY Hedwig the Snowy Owl, DIY baby Hei Hei, DIY kid Hei Hei, DIY Iago the Parrot, DIY Parrot, DIY Peacock, DIY Rubber Duckey, DIY baby Turkey, and DIY kid Turkey!