Image: @amandakingloff
Products you’ll need (2)
Honey, you look wonderful.
Products you’ll need (2)
- One white kids outfit
- One mask
- 1-inch yellow pom-poms
- 1/2-inch black pom-poms
- Black pipe cleaners
- Black, yellow, white, peach felt
- Hot glue gun
- Scissors
- Glue dots
- Safari hat (or other wide-brim hat)
- Tulle
- White paint
- Empty oatmeal container
- Yellow rope or yarn
- Cardstock in 2 tones of yellow
The kids will love creating pom-pom bumblebees for this costume! See the step-by-step photos from Project Kid.
Make the bees:
- Cut a black pipe cleaner into 1-to-2-inch pieces.
- Glue the pipe cleaners around the yellow pom-pom.
- Glue the small black pom-pom to the end of the yellow pom-pom as the bee’s head.
- Cut small teardrop shapes from the peach felt and glue onto the top/back of the bee as wings.
- Attach bees to clothing with glue dots.
Make the hat:
- Paint the hat white (optional).
- Hot glue a 6-inch wide piece of tulle all the way around the lip of the hat with the opening in the back.
- Use glue dots or hot-glue to attach bees to hat.
Make the honey candy-carrier:
- Cut 3 long strands of yellow/orange rope or yarn and braid them together. Knot them at each end and hot-glue inside the oatmeal container.
- Cut "honey drips" out of one color of cardstock and glue them to the top edge of the secondary color.
- Now you need to add the word HONEY to the front. You can write it with a marker, use letter stickers, or cut out the word using your Cricut. Here’s Project's Kid's template if you’d like to use it (6 inches wide).
Put it all together
- Dress up in the soft Primary clothing and have fun gluing the bees all around. Like any good beekeeper, don't forget to wear a mask!
Happy buzzing!
Pro Tips
- Want to make a sweet group costume with your little honeys? Check out our Bumblebee Baby costume and Bumblebee Kid costume!