Image: @lilyslittlelungs
Products you’ll need (2)
Astronaut & UFO (with Stroller)
Products you’ll need (2)
- One gray baby outfit
- White felt (½ yard)
- Black felt (1/3 yard)
- Red felt (¼ yard)
- Medium gray felt (¼ yard)
- Lime green felt
- Kelly green felt
- Light gray felt
- Yellow felt (1 sheet 9x12 inches)
- Orange felt (1 sheet 9x12 inches)
- Royal blue felt (1 sheet 9x12 inches)
- Teal felt (1 sheet 9x12 inches)
- Cardboard (1 sheet 12x15 inches)
- Gold pipe cleaners
- Battery operated light
- Marker
- Safety pins
- Double sided fabric tape
- Hot glue gun and sticks
- Scissors
Help your little one to shed their earthling disguise this Halloween with our Primary DIY Astronaut & UFO costume using a stroller. This Unusually Fun Outfit (UFO) has landed, using easy step-by-step instructions. The aliens come in peace, as long as you give them plenty of candy.
For the Alien UFO dome:
- Cut a sheet of cardboard into a rounded dome shape, and cut the bottom edge in a curved shape that fits over the top of the stroller shade.
- Cover and glue white felt over the dome.
- Cut and glue a smiling alien onto the dome.
- Cut and glue two matching lime green “flaps” that overhang the bottom of the dome.
- Attach double sided fabric tape along the inside edges of these flaps. They’ll be spread apart to sit on top of the stroller shade. Use safety pins to secure in place as extra support if needed.
- Glue light gray felt trim with gold pipe cleaners rolled into circles for “lights” onto the bottom edge of the dome, and above the lime green flaps.
For the UFO light strip:
- Cut a long strip of medium gray felt that’s long enough to fit around the bottom edge of the stroller shade.
- Cut ovals from teal felt and circles from white felt and glue these alternating “lights” along the gray felt strip.
- Attach to the stroller shade with double sided fabric tape or safety pins.
For the star background:
- Cut two rectangles of black felt.
- One will fit across the top section of the stroller seat above the seatbelt and the other will fit on the bottom portion of the sea under the legs.
- Cut and glue yellow, orange, and white stars to the black felt.
For the astronaut suit:
- Cut a football shape from black felt for the helmet face shield, and glue two white “reflection” lines to it.
- Cut and glue red and white circles to either side of the shield.
- Cut and glue astronaut patches from felt and use a marker to make detail lines.
- Make arm and leg bands and a belt from red and white felt.
- Attach all pieces to the space suit with double sided fabric tape.
To finish:
- Clip or safety pin a battery operated light to the underside of the stroller hood to make it look like an alien abduction of the astronaut!