Image: @thechirpingmoms
Products you’ll need (2)
Ariel (from the Little Mermaid)
Has instructions
Make together
Products you’ll need (2)
- One purple kids top
- One kids green skirt
- One green kids bottom
- Purple tulle (1 roll)
- Green craft foam (2 sheets 9”x12”)
- Green glitter glue
- Double sided fabric tape
- Safety pins
- Scissors
Become part of the Primary DIY world with our easy DIY Ariel costume! No matter what evil Ursula says, this rebellious red-haired princess won't be stopped. Dressed in our soft reuseable Primary essentials, your little mermaid will be ready to have an adventure on land all Halloween long.
For the top:
- Cut a length of purple tulle that fits around the child’s chest with extra length to tie it together.
- Wrap around the chest over the top and make a knot at the front center of the top. Tuck the ends behind the rest of the the tulle.
- If needed to hold it up, use fabric tape or safety pins to attach the tulle to the top.
For the fins:
- Cut two leaf shaped fins from green craft foam - 1 fin per sheet.
- Use green glitter glue to make fin lines on the foam.
- Once dry, safety pin one fin to the bottom edge of each legging so that the fins sit on top of the feet. Safety pin the fins a little higher up on the bottoms if needed so they aren’t dragging on the ground.
- Want to make a whole Disney Princess squad? Check out our DIY Belle: Village Dress, and DIY Belle: Ball Gown costumes!