Introducing Using Our Words / A Note from our Founders
Primary’s official blog filled with a rainbow of stories, inspiration, and ideas that make us smile

Tap, tap, this thing on? Hi there. Welcome to our shiny new blog! We’re super pumped about it and hope you will be, too.
Since we launched Primary in spring of 2015, we’ve enjoyed getting daily emails, phone calls and messages from our customers telling us what we’re getting right, what we could do better, what styles we just have to make next, and best of all--what Primary means to them and to their kids. One time a customer sent us an email about socks and we completely redesigned our socks because of it. No, but really. That happened! We love getting feedback and we really listen.
We’ve also realized the only thing better than listening to you is having a conversation with you. That’s the inspiration behind Using Our Words. We’ve been craving a place to share the stories that make a difference to us. All of us. The ones that make us laugh, the ones that teach us something new, the ones that make us think, and the ones that inspire us to keep striving. Some will be our stories about what’s happening behind the scenes here at Primary; some will be about our lives as moms; some will be your stories (with your permission); and some will be links to cool things like this baby doing the Rocky workout sequence. (YOU’RE WELCOME.)
So let’s start Using Our Words! - shall we? Consider this your official, personal welcome. Check out a few of our favorite posts like 25 Kid Mispronunciations, Horoscopes for Babies, and a new series called The FAQs of Life. As always, we look forward to hearing your feedback and ideas, and so appreciate you taking the time to share them. I mean, you heard what happened with our socks, right?
Galyn and Christina
moms, listeners, co-founders