7 Ways to Use a Swaddle Blanket
This versatile accessory is the unsung hero of your baby's wardrobe — here's why.

Parents and caregivers, we're happy to tell you that your search for The One Baby Product to Rule Them All™ ends here. Meet our new swaddle blanket — it's made with 100% cotton muslin, is soft as can be, and comes in a rainbow of bright colors (including our signature rainbow heart print) that make the most pastel of Earth tones shake in their boots. And yet, its name undersells its true versatility. While there are myriad ways to use it, we're sharing seven ideas below.
1. Classic Swaddle

How could we leave out the swaddle, a classic technique that this very product was named after?! Plus, we even have a handy tutorial on how to swaddle your burrito baby in just three easy steps. Learn how to safely swaddle baby here.
2. Nursing Cover

Our friend Angela expertly draped her blueberry swaddle blanket around her neck and over her baby for some added privacy during an on-the-go feeding.

Even the dog was impressed! (Photos by Angela.)
3. Burp Cloth

After said feeding session, you can use the swaddle as a burp cloth to protect your clothes from any baby spit-up. (Photo by Tanisha.)
4. Changing Table Cover

Provide baby with some extra softness and padding by laying a swaddle blanket over their changing table! It also helps to keep one in your bag, to use as a makeshift cover when you're out-and-about on adventures with baby.

We too, would feel like this after a fresh diaper change on a soft blanket. We don't think the best-selling rainbow baby shortie is hurting either, but it's the swaddle's time to shine. (Photos by Jaclyn.)
5. Stroller Cover

Keep baby cool on summer scorchers by draping the swaddle over their stroller for added shade. Because baby loves a stroll, no matter the temp! (Photo by Stephanie.)
6. Tummy Time Mat

Lay the swaddle blanket on the ground to give a soft and colorful upgrade to tummy time, aka baby's (*cough* least *cough*) favorite activity. Pairs well with those adorable baby bubble rompers, and repeating, "We know it's hard baby, but it's so good for you, we promise!" Whom those words comfort more — us, or the baby — remains a mystery. (Photo by Gatlin.)
7. For Peek-a-Boo!

We'd be remiss to not mention the swaddle blanket's merits as a tool for a game of peek-a-boo! Just like baby's favorite toy, this seemingly practical item provides squeals of joy for days, especially when used by big siblings. When the whole family is in their matching summer PJs all day, blankets are a must. (Video by Porsha.)
How else would you use our muslin swaddle blankets? Share with us on social by tagging us @primarydotcom with #yesprimary.
Incase you're more of a baby sleeping bag person as opposed to baby burrito person, check out our dreamy, adorable baby sleep sacks that are made from the same material. Perfect for babies too little for blankets, and general coziness.