Primary Color Camp: Friday Picnic
A family picnic with no fuss, and all the fun. What a concept.

With our week of green activities coming to a close, we're planning the ultimate summer celebration: a picnic! Grab something to sit on, your favorite snacks and drinks, some games, and anything else that might make your outdoor party more festive. Check out our tips for a fun picnic, and get creative with incorporating all your faves.
Tip 1: Get a big blanket
Plenty of space to sit is crucial when it comes to eating outside. Make sure you have enough space for everyone to spread out, plus room to lay out snacks.
Tip 2: Prep your food and grab plenty of drinks
Whatever your crew loves, do as much prep ahead of time so you're not doing any set up once you're settled outside. Make sandwiches, slice fruits & veggies, portion all the components of a cheeseboard – you'll thank yourself for taking care of whatever can be done in the kitchen ahead of time.
Tip 3: Designate what needs to be kept cold, and what's okay at room temperature
The number one cause of fussiness is carrying heavy bags in the summer heat. 4 out of 5 picnic experts recommend only putting necessities (like cold drinks and dairy) in a heavy cooler, and divide any other snacks or supplies among bags for the whole family. If everyone does a little bit, nobody has a meltdown when Dad insists only he can pick the perfect picnic spot. Win win.
Tip 4: Pack everything you need and don't forget a trash bag
We like to pack as much reusable supplies as possible so we don't end up with too much waste, but make sure you you're carrying out all your trash once you're done.
Tip 5: Find a shady spot to set up
Stay cool and safe in any shady, grassy patch you can find. Even if it's just in the backyard, everyone will have more fun if its under an umbrella or a tree.
Congrats, now you're a picnic pro. Our final pro tip is dressing the whole family Primary greens!
Share your spreads with us on social at @primarydotcom with #yesprimary and #primarycolorcamp for a chance to be featured! Check out our entire lineup of easy, DIY Color Camp activities for kids, and don’t forget to visit the Camp Shop for outfits, essentials, and more camp picks from Team Primary.