How the Primary Community Celebrates Juneteenth
How friends in the Primary community celebrate, learn, and reflect on this holiday.

Happy Juneteenth! We hope this weekend is full of learning, reflecting and celebrating freedom. Over the years, we've asked our community how they observe the holiday, and how they educate their families about what this day represents.
Juneteenth is symbolic of the freedom African Americans gained from slavery. It represents the resilience it took to survive despite their circumstances. It’s a time to celebrate their power, brilliance, and tenacity. It is so important in our family that my daughters understand the significance of Juneteenth, and why it is important to celebrate this specific day of liberty. To celebrate, my family always participates in the local Juneteenth Festivals. We also read to learn as much as we can of our history. There are a ton of kid-friendly Juneteenth books available, one of our favorites being “Juneteenth for Mazie”. A day of liberty is always a cause for celebration!
Follow Danielle @aboutthebrowns

In our family we celebrate Juneteenth by doing just that—celebrating. We gather with family and friends to enjoy delicious traditional foods that have been passed down from generation to generation (some homemade, some brought from local black-owned restaurants). We listen to music created by talented black musicians and artist, and attend local events honoring the beauty of our culture. On Juneteenth we rejoice and embrace being unapologetically BLACK!
many amazing ways to come together and appreciate how far we’ve come.
Follow @missporsha
Keep up with these creators and give them a follow! And Happy Juneteenth!
Show us how you're observing Juneteenth by tagging us with our hashtag #yesprimary on Facebook and Instagram!